Y: Wai

Year (Nou): Ier

The woman is seventy years old: Di uman a sebmti ier oul

This is a great year for Darah Derow: Dis a criss ier fi Daraa Diraa

Yes (Particle): Yaa

Are you the one? Yes: A yu di wan: Yaa

Yes man, life was very wonderful in Jaimaca: Yaa man, laif en boonoonoos eena Jumieka

Yesterday (Nou): Yeside

I came here yesterday: Mi kom ya yeside

I was there yesterday: Mi en de yeside

I saw Tony down here yesterday: Mi si Toni dong ya yeside

Young (Nou & Adj): Yong or Nyong


Young people like the movie: Yong piipl laik di muuvi


Young potato in the field: Yong pitieta iina di benjy

You (Pron): Yu, Yuu or Unu(Plural)

You are a foolish person: Yu a busquine

Do you love her?: Du yu lob har

You are a good husband: Yu a gud hozban

You are a good storyteller: Yu a gud banton

Your (Pron): Yu

Your role is different from mine: Yu ruol a difran fram fi-mi

Your home is in Nairobi: Yu yaad eena Nairobi

What is your best food: Wa yu bes fuud

What is your brother’s name: Wa yu breda niem?

Yours (Pron): Yu or Fi-yu

The book is yours: Di buk a fi-yu

Those fruits are yours; Dem-de fruut fi-yu

These things are yours: Demya tings a fi-yu

Yourself (Pron): Yusef

Oh boy, you will hurt yourself with that needle: Oh bwoy, yu gwine hat yusef wid dat niigl

Yourselves (Pron): Unusef

Don’t blame yourselves, the ones who can change the future are you: Nuh bliem unusef, di wan dem huu kyan chienj di fucha a unu

Youth (Nou): Yuut

The youths are suffering because of the corrupt government: Di yuut-dem a suffer bikaaz aff di korrup gobament

The youth are the future of this nation: Di yuut a di fyuucha fi dis nieshan

We the youths let us stand up against the corrupt system: Wi di yuut-dem mek wi tanop gens di babylon