V: V

Vagina (Nou): Pim, Pum, Pumpum, Punaani, Punni, Glamity or Nash

When you are going to bath, don’t forget to wash your vagina as well: Wen yu a gwain bied, nuh figet tu wash yu pumpum az wel

When i am feeling the good sensation during sex, i use my vagina to squeeze the penis: Wen mi pan agony, mi yuus mi punaani fi kwinge-op di huud

Variant (Nou): Vieriant

This is another variant of the carrot: Dis wanieda vieriant fi di kyaarat

Version (Nou): Vorzhan or Vorjan

We have a new version of the book: Wi hab a nyuu vorzhan fi di buk

Very much (Emphasis): Well

She is very tired: Im well tired

You very much want to become the leader of the city council: Yu well waan fi ton di liida fi di rimma kongsil

Very Very (Emphasis): Kyaan-don or Fitruu

The orange is very very sweet: Di arinj swiit kyaan-don

The woman is very very fat: Di uman fat kyaan-don

Victuals (Nou): Meaning: Bikl or Bitl

Meaning: Any substance which can be consumed as food

Get me any substance which i can consumes as food, i am very hungry: Get mi bikl, mi honggri kyaan-don

Vigorous (Adj): Rygin (Pronouced as Raigin)

Darah and his friends are vigorous fighters: Daraa-dem a rygin faita

Violent (Adj): Alias-man, Alias, Raabaaba or Gangalee

They are violent young youth: Dem a alias yong yuut

Vision (Nou): Vijan or Vizhan

The vision is to create a site where Jamaican patois is easy to learn: Di vijan iz tu kriet a sait we Jumiekan patwa a iizi fi laan.

The vision is to use music as a step to make Jamaica near everyone on earth: Di vijan iz tu yuus myuuzik az a tep fi mek Jumieka nier ebriwan pan ort

Vital (Adj): I-tal

The rastafari eat vital things only:

Di rastafari nyam i-tal tings nomo

Di rastafari nyam i-tal ting dem uondli

Vocabulary (Nou): Vokiabileri or Vokiabolieri

The vocaburaries for a rasta is different from the police:  Di vokiabileri-dem fi a rastafari a difran fram di babilan

Voice (Nou): Vais

The government has to listen to the voice of the youth and the poor: Di gobament hafi lisn tu di vais fi yuut an di sufferer

Volunteer (Nou): Balinsteer

I am a volunteer of the world peace movement: Mi a balinsteer fi di wurl peace muuvment

Vote (Nou): Vuot

Vote for the right leaders and leave the corrupt ones in the establishment: Vuot fi di rait liida-dem an liiv di babilan wan-dem

Vulgar (Adj): Untidy

You need to teach your boy how to talk, he is really vulgar: Yu niid fi tiich yu bwoy hou tu taak, im  a untidy fitruu

Use bad languages: Truo bad wod

They used bad languages on us after they lost the match: Dem truo bad wod pan wi aata dem laas di mach