U: U
Ugly (Nou): Hogli, Patu-dowdow or Takro-takro
He is ugly like a vampire: Im a ogli siem laka vampaya
Ugliness that comes from being badly dressed, wearing torn clothes and dirtiness associated with poverty or illness: Wera-ke-te, Jangra, Pitchy-patchy, Ragga-ragga, Raggity, Reggid and Saacy or Harrigan
He is looking ugly and badly dressed: Im a jangra
Uncle (Nou): Hongkl or Ongkl
He is my wife’s uncle: Im a fi-mi waif ongkl
Under (Adv): Aanda
The dog is lying under the table: Di daag a lidong aanda di tiebl
Undersized (Adj): Winji or Dongruo
The child is undersized: Di pikni a winji
Understand (Ver): Andastan, Ovastan or Higherstan
I understand what you are saying: Mi ovastan wa yu a seh
They know that we understands their language: Dem nuo se wi andastan fi-dem langgwij
Unfriendly (Adj): Crampifi
The teacher is unfriendly: Di tiicha a crampifi
Unintelligent (Adj): Bobo
You are unintelligent, why do you to gossip: Yu a bobo, wa mek yu laik fi labrish
Unite (Ver): I-nite
We should unite against the enemy of peace: Wi shud inite gens di enimi aff peace
Unkempt (Adj): Bogobogo or Lego
You are looking unkempt, what is the matter with you: Yu luk bogobogo, wa du yu
Unlike (Adj): Nuk laka or Nuh laik
Unlike the first one this orange is sweet: Nuh laka di fos wan dis arinj a swiit
Unsatisfactory (Adj): Floxi
His reason not to come is unsatisfactory: Fi im riizn naa fi kom a floxi
Unstable (Adj): Pianji
The roots of the plant is unstable: Di ruut-dem fi di plaan a pianji
Untidy (Adj): Chaka-chaka
The house is so untidy, please clean it: Di hous a chaka-chaka, du kliin i
Until (Prep): Sotel
See you until next week: Si yu sotel neks wiik
Up (Ver, Adj, Adv & Prep): Op
The shirt is up there on the wire: Di shot op de pan di waia
They climbed up the mountain: Dem klaim op di mountn
Upbringing (Nou): Braatopsi
My upbringing is good: Fi-mi braatopsi a gud
Upon (Adv & Conj): Pan
We look upon them with favor: Wi luk pan dem wid favah
The preacher put his hand upon them to bless them: Di priicha put fi im han pan dem tu bles dem
Upset (Ver): Beks or Pooroo
Meaning: Causing discomfort to someone
They are upset with us: Dem beks wid wi
He is upset with the brother: Im beks wid di breda
Upside (Nou): Opsaid
Put the table upside down: Put di tiebl opsaid dong
Us (Prop): Os or Wi
The land is for us: Di lan a fi wi
Come to us for good fruits and organic food: Kom tu wi faar gud fruut anh aaganik. fuud
Usage (Nou): Yuusij
The usage of Jamaican patois world over is a sign of unity: Di yuusij aff Jumiekan patwa wurl uoba a sain fi inity
Use (Ver): Yuus
Use your language to communicate to them, those who don’t understand it will get to know it later: Yuus fi-yu langgwij tu komiunikiet tu dem, dem huu nuh ovastan i gwine nuo i lieta
Useful (Adj): Yuusful
This book is more useful to me than the other one: Dis buk a muor yuusful tu mi dan di hada wan
Usual (Adj): Siem wie
Do it as usual: Dwiit di siem wie