Keep (Ver): Kip

Keep the lights up: Kiip di lait-dem op

Keep, they are there: Kiip, dem a de

Keep it in a dry place: Kiip i eena drai plies

Kilometer (Nou): Kilamita

Lilongwe is eleven kilometers from our town: Lilongwe a lebm kilamita fram wi toun

I jog for three kilometers everyday: Mi jag fi chrii kilamita ebridie

Kindle (Ver): Ketch op

The dry wood kindle: Di jai wuud ketch op

Kindle the fire: Ketch op di pre-pra

Knife (Nou): Naif

Take the knife to the kitchen: Tek di naïf tu di kichin

Pocket or small knife: Pun-yaak

Give me your pocket knife: Gi mi  yu pun-yaak

Know (Ver): Nuo

We now know how they behave: Wi nou nuo hou dem a gwaan

They don’t know where they are coming from: Dem nuh nuo we dem a kom fram

He knows how to cook: Im nuo hou fi kuk

Knowledge (Nou): Nuolij

We have Knowledge to do many things: Wi hab nuolji fi duh banz a ting

If you want more knowledge you have to learn everyday: Ef yu waan muor nuolij yu hafi laan ebredie