Jail (Nou): Jeil or Lakop

He is in jail: Im eena lakop

They arrested him last month and he is in jail now: Dem bring im op laas mont an im iina lakop nou

Jamaica (Nou): Jumieka

Jamaica is an island of springs: Jumieka a ailan aff spring

January (Nou): Janiweri

January is the first month of the year: Janiweri a di fos mont fi di ier

Jealous (Adj): Trang yeye

He is jealous: Im a trang yeye

Job (Ver): Jab

He got a new job: Im get a nyuu jab

Dismissal from a job: Plam-plam or Pam-pam

They dismissed him from the job: Dem pam-pam im

Jog (Ver): Jag

They jog every evening: Dem jag evri iibnin

Joke (Nou): Jouk

He is joking: Im a juok

The teachers like to make joke: Di ticcha laik fi mek juok

Jolly (Adj): Jokifi

He is always jolly: Im aazwiez jofiki

Judge (Nou): Joj

The judge said Rachel would stay in jail for two month; Di joj en seh Rachel wuda stie iina lakop fi tuu mont

July (Nou): Julai

The rainy season starts in July: Di rien siizn taat eena Julai

June (Nou): Juun

He picked his coffee in June: Im pik fi-im kaafi eena Juun

Junk (Nou): Banggarang

The house is full of junk things: Di hous a fulop aff banggarang

Just (Adj): Jos or Dis

I need just one bottle: Mi niid jos wan bokkl

We have just finished to buy the ticket: Wi dis don fi bai a tikit

Are you at home? no, i am just coming now from Paris, France: A yu pon di yaad? nuh mi dis kom nou fram Paris, France