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Song mix for Great Moments
Dadereen song mix is created from many music genres including but not limited to Reggae, Hiphop, R & B, South African and Lingala.This song mixes have a minimum of 45 minute running time.
The song mixes are free and others are paid for. The free song mix as a running time of maximum of 45 minutes and it’s not “white labeled”.DJ clips and mentioning of “Daderen Website” is done in a non-whited labeled mix.
Paid song mixes has running time of a maximum of two and half hours.Song mix with running time of one and half hours are not “white labeled” however for two and half hours are “white labeled.There are no DJ clips and mentioning of “Daderen Website” in whited labeled mix.
Song Mix Plans
- Song Mixing Plans
Bronze Silver Gold Running Time 45 Mins 60 Mins 90 Mins White Labeled DJ Clips Dedereen.com Mention Release Interval 2 Weeks 1 Month